Monday 14 March 2016

Little Mouse

Walking along the beach on a lovely, sunny day I notice that some wrong-uns are arseing about on a motorbike. I consider calling the police but realise I don't have my phone. That's that solved. I continue on across the rocks.

Meandering around the cliffs and heading to the shoreline I am approached by a young girl. She whispers something about a mouse. I bend down and ask her what she said: "There's a mouse trapped. A little mouse. I think it's a baby." Curious, I wander over to a large boulder in the middle of the sand.

On approach, the first thing to catch my eye is an old leather football boot, laced up. Through the small, perfectly round leg opening a blackbird looks out back at me. The bird seems healthy and happy enough to be hiding in the shoe. "This must be the mouse," I thought to myself.

My attention is taken to a shopping bag laid on top the boulder as I come to a stop. Inside appears to be a very young baby, possibly a newborn, but dressed in woollens. The baby is grey and I immediately assume that it is beyond my help. I check for movement and breathing but I'm too scared to make contact. Thoughts are racing through my head and I convince myself that I have to check: what if the baby is still alive?

I am immediately interrupted by the cries of a second child wrapped in a blanket right next to him. I am amazed that I failed to see beyond that first body. It's hard to tell an age but the child is extremely emaciated; clearly starving. Again, I am too scared to help the second child, but this time because of all the bones on show. It worries me that I may hurt her seen as she looks so fragile. It occurs to me that this may not be a child at all and could even be an adult. The body looks somewhat alien due to its condition. My thoughts turn to where I can get water, but I'm on a beach and miles from home.

I swing around to look for help and see a guy out walking. He can see by my manner that there is something unusual happening. I run over to him and ask him if he has his phone, and to phone for the police. No, the ambulance. Phone anyone. He attempts to do so but the signal fails. I do not want any of the other people on the beach to become aware of what is happening as there could be a panic which would make things worse, or the person responsible for such awful treatment may still be around.

I return to the two children and consider what I need to do. I notice that the first, grey baby's fingers are twitching and he does appear to be breathing. There is a milky white fluid coming out of his mouth. I decide I need to turn him over to allow the liquid to drain. At the same time I hold the hand of the second child and try to calm her down.

And then I woke up.

But what does it all mean?

Friday 11 March 2016

Not P.E. again!

I was at school. Again. It was P.E. As we always ended up doing some crappy sport that nobody was interested in, like basketball, there was little rush to get ready and no excitement.

Just before entering the changing rooms we were informed that, for a change, we were going to play a game involving tongue (the luncheon meat).

We meandered towards the changing rooms and mainly hung around outside. Later, I informed Grey Man that I have no interest in such a product. He told me that this is why he wanted to try this game.

We seemed to sit around in the changing rooms for a hideous amount of time, which was actually quite normal, until eventually he told us that after break we would need to continue in a different school, as something was being done in ours.

I needed something from home so I walked home during the break. On my return to school I realised I had been walking for somewhere between thirty and sixty minutes, as the new school was so far away. It became clear that the lesson had already started.

Heading towards the changing rooms of the new school I somehow got distracted and ended up inside a very small house. I assumed it to be a caretaker's house. The fire and T.V. were both on, so I switched them off because there was no bugger around. I was now naked for some reason.

I grabbed my bag with the missing item, whatever that was, now retrieved and was just about to get ready so that I could finally join the lesson. Then I remembered that I'm really not that interested.

Shortly after though, Grey Man started entering the house so I went into the kitchen to hide. Sadly he saw me so I pretended I was getting ready for the lesson. He mumbled something about letting myself down, but I can't remember what it was now.

And then I woke up.

But what does it all mean?

Wednesday 15 January 2014

I don't like this game!

Last night I was sat with my sister, my mother and a prince of England in my old home. We were playing some odd variant of poker that I initially thought was five card stud, but it turned out I had no idea what was going on.

I spat my dummy out and threw my cards down calling it a "fucking stupid game". I then threw the prince's cards on the floor also. People were not happy and asked why I had to do that to the prince. I had no answer as it was simply a stupid game and I hate it.

And then I woke up.

But what does it all mean?

Friday 1 November 2013

The Alien Planet

I am a commander on-board a large space vessel. It does contain military personnel but this does not appear to be a military vessel and it contains a huge civilian population and their families.

The dream starts from outside the vessel looking down onto it. It is a large, old ship that has seen many years of service. There are no obvious features to it.

We are travelling towards a rocky planet and appear to be trapped in the gravity of either the planets or the star. The old engines are struggling to keep up so we decide to throttle back and go into orbit to give the engineering teams time to work on the ship.

Fast forward and we have landed in one of the boats on the surface of an apparently habitable planet. We do not need any special equipment to breathe, for example. We have landed near an abandoned modern village but the buildings are in disrepair. The groups consists of military personnel and a small group of families who needed a break from their time in space. It is dusk at our location. We take shelter in the abandoned buildings and settle down for the night.

At night, things take an altogether odd turn. Unusual light effects fill my room and seem to walk along the walls. At first I wonder if it is an alien intelligence but I feel it must be an hallucination. I feel no threat or danger from these effects. It is obvious from the noise in the area that I am not alone and this reassures me, but also worries me. What could be causing these hallucinations? The children seem to be enjoying the light show.

The night seems to be over quickly and one of my men enters my room to tell me that they are preparing to move on. As I am still experiencing the hallucinations I order him to go on ahead and take the families. The sun is starting to rise.

As the sun rises the hallucinations slowly die away and I prepare myself to move on and catch up with the rest of the group, which I can see in the distance out of the window. I have a better view of our location and it is a dry, dusty planet. While I'm getting ready another soldier enters the room and explains that he also stayed behind for the same reasons that I did. We both leave together and start running to catch up with the other group.

As the sun rises the temperature of the planet starts to rise dramatically. It becomes clear that the group will not survive the daytime temperatures without water and shade and so we increase our speed to catch up.

During our travels the light becomes brighter and brighter. It becomes obvious to me that the intensity of the light could damage our eyes and we have not brought any eye protection with us for the civilians. We are now too distant from the landing boat to return before the heat becomes a serious problem.

The sun rises fully above the horizon when I notice that there is a smaller, redder star alongside it. We appear to have landed on a planet with a binary star system: something I should have been aware of as the commander of the mission. The temperature of the planet is now intolerable as we reach the larger group. I am concerned that it could even be a trinary system and so prepare to give the order to take cover for the day.

I arrive at another abandoned village and cannot see any of the group. Myself and the other soldier enter an abandoned building which has very small windows. There is a group of families already huddled inside. I shout out of the door to the rest of team and receive an answer. The whole group have taken cover in the various buildings. I tell everyone to breathe through their noses and keep their mouths closed to reduce dehydration, and to use a rag to reduce the amount of dust they breathe in if possible. Via our radios I inform the soldiers that we will have to stay in the shade for the majority of the day and wait for the suns to start setting before moving on. It will be impossible for us to leave the building in search of water given the high temperatures, but that the team should keep an eye open for a possible route out of the town, and not to put their eyesight at risk.

There is some cloth covering the window to reduce the amount of incoming light. The families seem scared as they huddle inside the buildings. It comes to mind that the baking heat may cause the temperature inside the building to increase dramatically, and we may need to abandon the buildings altogether. There is no obvious route out of the village while the suns are still up and we have no idea how long the days last.

And then I woke up.

But what does it all mean?

Monday 21 October 2013

The Lovely Dragons

My story begins at home. I am in the front garden when a fantastical episode occurs: colourful dragons start landing in the field not far from me. They have incredible, vivid colours. At first I am amazed that nobody else seems to have witnessed such a spectacular event, but I quickly get over it and rush to see the dragons up close.

Without any obvious health and safety assessment I climb aboard one of the dragons, who luckily doesn't seem to mind, and we whizz off on a wonderful airborne adventure. They seemed friendly.

On my return I tell my parents of the marvellous event, but they don't seem too interested. I insist that what has happened was real and go to get my new dragon friends to show them.

All the while there is a dreamy uncertainty behind my eyes.

The fun continues around the house and around the houses of my family as I show off my new friends, but something just doesn't feel right.

My parents bring my world crashing down when they tell me that the dragons are not real, despite the fact I have brought my new friends home with me many times. They get quite angry with me as I insist their games are not amusing. They ask me to think seriously about what I am doing.

I think back about my adventures and have flashbacks of dragon-shaped balloons. I am deeply confused, and worried. It becomes clear quite quickly that I have had a psychotic episode. This realisation reminds me that this is not the first time and I accept that my dragons are not real, along with some other fantastical happenings that had occurred.

On my way to school the yards were eerily quiet. I met a friend outside who also had had similar problems to myself on a number of occasions. We entered the school to see that today was exam day and neither of us knew anything about it. I experienced more confusion as I did not understand how I could have forgotten about the exams, but I did not panic and assumed that the school could take what had happened to the two of us into account.

Fast forward to myself and my friend, my parents and her parents all sat outside of the reception at my school waiting for someone to come and see us. It was clear that my father was aggravated by having to deal with me again. My friend and I kicked a ball back and forth to pass the time.

At this time her parents dropped the news that she was to go back to Mexico and leave the United States for good [my school was in England]. She did not take the news well. I too would be leaving the U.S. back for England but I was happy to leave and get back home.

She sat with me and we started talking. Her parents had explained to her that due to her disability it simply wasn't reasonable for her to be taught at a regular school. I felt that they were directing this information toward me also. Their tone suggested that my friend and I had some sort of speech problem and others struggled to understand us. However, neither our parents nor each other had any trouble communicating. She was clearly upset. I told her that no matter what they say I have no trouble at all talking to and understanding her. I began to question this information: neither of us appeared to be experiencing any problems. I thought back again, as I did with the dragons, to try and remember the reality of the situation, but I seemed to be inventing a speech problem that my friend had which I was sure did not exist before I invented it. A distrust of what people were saying had set in. She was the only one I could trust.

I made my excuses and went to the toilet where I was convinced I would be able to hear people talking about us, which would offer a clue as to what was going on.

I sat, thinking about everything I had been told. I was certain the dragons weren't real but everything else I had been told didn't make any sense. I thought about it further and realised that I was way too old to still be in school - why are people trying to convince me otherwise?

I then heard two school friends enter the toilet. I knew them. They thought it would be funny to lean over the cubicle and take pictures while I was sat on the potty. This angered me greatly and I grabbed their phones and threw them out of the door, smashing them. Unfortunately they were not broken and the phones were reassembled and they tried it again. I grabbed them again and threw it at them this time, hitting one in the head. They went outside of the toilet to wait for me.

I waited in the toilet wondering what was going on. Although they are both known for such stupid pranks I started wondering if they were filming me so that "they" knew where I was. I peaked outside to see if they were still waiting. They were. For some reason one of them had blacked himself up. I really don't know why. I also realised that I was now in a supermarket.

I found two tins on the toilet floor so I grabbed one and threw it at the two and managed to hit one of them in the head again. They stayed where they were as they could see I had a second tin in my hand.

The commotion got the attention of a security guard, who looked like Omar Epps. He could see I was in trouble and seemed genuinely concerned for my welfare. Trusting him I threw the second tin at the two waiting for me and darted for the exit, knowing he would detain them and let me escape.

I was now in a large shopping centre. I, again, doubted my surroundings; confused as to why I was here or where I was. I started to walk around hoping to find clues as to what was going on, and even tried to find out what the correct date was. I was still convinced that it was many years later than I had been led to believe.

I found a small solicitor "shop", very much like the gold purchasing shops that have appeared in shopping centres in recent times, apparently an ambulance chaser, and I walked inside. I asked the solicitor for help and tried to hurriedly explain the whole situation as I was acutely aware that people were looking for me. He told me to calm down, raising his left hand, and was clearly doing something with under the desk with his right hand as his eyes wandered around the outside looking for someone. It was obvious he was making someone aware of my presence. I left quickly.

And then I woke up.

But what does it all mean?

Friday 13 September 2013

My Doggy and the Café

I knew I was late for work but it didn't matter as I was the boss: I knew the staff would be there getting things ready. I was also aware that my help is still needed to get things running, such as bringing fresh stock.

I picked up the dog lead and put it around my lovely doggy's neck and we proceeded to the first café.

She was such a well behaved dog that I knew I could safely walk her all the way.

We arrived at the first café where I greeted the staff and asked if there was anything they needed help with. I put Gypsy (my doggy) out the back out of the way and prepared the chicken for the day (after washing my hands thoroughly). Once done I took a list of what was needed, grabbed Gypsy and proceeded to the next café.

I didn't get her on the lead fast enough so she wandered off into the street. She may have been well behaved but that doesn't mean she was particularly bright. I had to retrieve her from the road and put her back on her lead.

I picked up some of the supplies from the local shop that I knew was needed and continued on to the next café.

Once there I dropped the supplies off but kept Gypsy with me as they didn't really need my help, although I did inspect the kitchens.

I then left.

My unconscious mind struggled to remember if we owned any other cafés, although I was pretty sure that we did.

But what does it all mean?

My lovely doggy

Sunday 18 August 2013


This dream began in a ran-down area that oddly reminded me of Peterlee town centre in its layout. There were a bunch of "youths" (teenagers) hanging around on the first level (my family and I being on the ground level) being a general nuisance. Think London.

I don't know why we were there but I was with +Julie Thornton+Graeme Thornton and Julie's boyfriend (I do think of you sometimes, although involuntarily).

There was a continuous din and commotion and Julie decided to climb the steps to mock these Neanderthals. That's the kind of thing she would do.

A few minutes later an adult male turned up to have a go at these imbeciles. He appeared to be the father of a young boy whom they had been picking on. In a typical fashion they beat the crap out of him and he walked away with cuts about his face.

Julie decided to continue up the stairs to confront them. She vanished.

Shortly after this Graeme followed her up, and then Julie's boyfriend. They vanished. I believe they had chosen a different stairway to take them by surprise.

The little boy who had been pestered by the simpletons turned up in tears and I went to see if he was okay, leaving behind all our valuables - it's okay though, it seems like a nice area.

While talking to the boy I felt a blow to my back. I turned around to see a scrote looking at me with a general confused look on his face. He looked as if he really didn't want to hit me, but that he had little choice.

Before I had chance to think another ballbag grabbed me around the neck, holding his head towards mine (this is the kind of thing brainless dicks do in the UK). I was aware of another rat holding on to me from behind, though I was also aware that it was not the first scrote. I was also fully aware that I had internal organs and scum carry knives.

I grabbed Dumbarse by his head and pushed it back while he struggled to keep his head attached to mine, fully aware that this could damage his neck and fully hoping that it did. I was thinking a few steps ahead about how and who I was planning to hurt at this point, but then I woke up.

But what does it all mean?